Tomorrow is National Small Business Saturday and there is no better place where you can SHOP SMALL all in one spot than here at our 20th Annual Holiday Market! Starting at 10AM till 5PM you can shop from over 80 local small businesses and truly support by buying local this holiday gift giving season. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Join us this Saturday for the 20th Annual Holiday Market at ADC 10AM to 5PM. Shop over 80 local vendors with a special visit from Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus!

Happy Thanksgiving from all us at Ardovino's Desert Crossing!

There is no better place to kick-off the Holiday Season than here at ADC! And it starts this Saturday with our 20th Annual Holiday Market. Shop over 80 local vendors, learn more at the link below.

The countdown is on! Join us this Saturday, November 30th for the 20th Annual Holiday Market here at Ardovino's Desert Crossing 10AM to 5PM! So get some rest and start preparing your shopping plans plus check out all the vendors who will be in attendance by checking out our Online Mobile Shoppers Guide. Just click the link in our BIO.

Your Saturday morning 60 seconds of zen. Courtesy of @ardovinosdc and @themarketsatadc #saturdaymorning60secondsofzen #nmfma #newmexicotrue #sunlandparknm #elpasotx #ardovinosdc #farmersmarketatardovinosdc #farmersmarketatadc #nowherebutadc #allroadsleadtoadc #farmersmarketatardovinosdesertcrossing

Tiffany Christopher returns to ROCK ADC tonight with Mollie Fischer! Learn more at the link below.

Today at the Market you can find...The Market will open a bit late today at due to the freeway closure and detour. See you later this morning!

Your Saturday morning 60 seconds of zen. Courtesy of @ardovinosdc and @themarketsatadc #saturdaymorning60secondaofzen #ardovinosdesertcrossing #ardovinosfarmersmarket #ardovinosdc #ardovinosdesertcrossingfarmersmarketandroadsideinn #nmfma #newmexicotrue #sunlandparknm #elpasotx

Another edition of Friday Night Jazz returns to ADC with Lush Life Quintet featuring Jordan Taylor. Plus start making plans to shop the 20th Annual Holiday Market happening soon here at ADC. Learn more in this weeks E-Newsletter.

Today at the Market you can find...Remember to shop early! The Market opens at 9am. See you here soon.

Join us for our annual Day of the Dead Market! Bring a special something to add to our community Day of the Dead alter in remembrance of a deceased loved one this special holiday. We will have Pan De Muerto and many more delicious Day of the Dead treats available at the Coffeestream. The Market opens at 9AM! See you here.

Join us for another edition of Friday Night Jazz from the Del Camino Patio Bandstand at 7p with the Iris Munoz Jazz Trio featuring Manny Flores and Shaun Mahoney! Reservations can be made at 575-589-0653 ext. 1,.

Enjoy live jazz this Friday at ADC! Call to reserve your spot. #ADCLive #FridayNightJazz

Tomorrow at the Market you can find....remember to shop early to beat this fall; heat (which we are so over)! The Spooky Halloween Market opens at 9AM! Come dressed to scare....if you dare!

Don't forget to make your reservation for tonight's ADC Live Presents performance from the songbird of El Paso, Jaimielynn Amato! Tonight on the Del Camino Patio Bandstand starting at 6P. Call 575-589-0653 ext. 1 for reservations.

The songbird of El Paso, Jaimielynn Amato sings here tomorrow night! Plus, it's our annual Spooky Halloween Market this Saturday. Learn more in this week's e-newsletter.

Your Saturday morning 60 seconds of zen. Courtesy @themarketsatadc and us at @ardovinosdc #sunlandparknm #elpasotx #ardovinosdc #farmersmarketatardovinosdc #farmersmarketatadc #nowherebutadc #nmfma #allroadsleadtoadc #farmersmarketatardovinosdesertcrossing #itsallgoodep #saturdaymorning60secondsofzen #newmexicotrue #newmexicofarmersmarkets